Day in and day out, scientists worldwide are working hard to develop new potential forms of treatment for the many medical ailments that face our society. As part of ensuring the safety of any potential treatment, it must legally undergo clinical trial testing. Many people have heard of clinical tri ...
Chances are, most people have heard the word podcast. Amidst all the hype about podcasts, though, some people may be wondering: What is a podcast? Why would someone listen to them? How can someone listen to them? What podcasts are good?Well, there’s no simple answer. There a ...
# Hobbies & LeisureThe gallbladder is one of the few organs in the body that are not necessary for life or even for health but are good to have. It is a pear-shaped pouch that’s located on the underside of a person’s liver. It is able to contain one and a half ounces of bile, which is a thick, ...
# HealthTension headaches can come up at different times in life. Most sufferers find that they can crop up late in the workday. While the dull pain of a tension headache can be frustrating, they are not often a great threat to your long term health. They can take away from your quality of life, however. If ...
Applications are the future. Where once there was computer programmers, we now have app programmers. This is because apps are just so useful! Having an application that can work on many platforms is just so useful! App sales and app use have grown constantly and nearly expon ...
# Business & IndustrialWhen it comes to human resources, issues and processes become more complex as a company grows. In a company with less than ten employees, an owner or manager can check on his or her employees by simply looking around. But as the business grows and more staff are added, chanc ...
# Business & IndustrialThe electrocardiogram, also known as an ECG or EKG, is a diagnostic test that checks the electrical activity of your heart. This test can help detect if you have any underlying heart conditions such as arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, and heart attacks.An electrocardiogram does not involve inse ...
Electronic signatures include symbols or other digital forms of data that are attached to an electronic document as a form of verification of the signatory’s intent to sign. Also known as e-signatures, these types of signature are as legally binding as a handwritten signatur ...
# Business & IndustrialThere is nothing more terrifying than a certain moment of realization people can feel. That moment is the realization that someone is having a heart attack. The terror felt by many of these people is something that is all too common. Heart disease leading to heart attacks i ...
# Health