Social Work

thumbnail of Social Work Social work refers to the discipline that looks to ensure the welfare of community members, including families, groups and individuals. There are many different facets of social work which includes social change based on the development and empowerment of people.Social work ...

# Jobs & Education

The Causes of E Coli Don't Need to Be a Mystery

thumbnail of The Causes of E Coli Don't Need to Be a Mystery There is a lot of misinformation when it comes to an E Coli infection. Many people just wrap it all up under the title of “food poisoning” and accept that sometimes they may eat some contaminated food. However, doing that leaves a person vulnerable to a very uncomfortable ba ...

# Health

Mononucleosis Is Sometimes Referred to As The Kissing Disease

thumbnail of Mononucleosis Is Sometimes Referred to As The Kissing Disease Mononucleosis, usually known as mono, is a common illness that many people may run into during their lifetime. Sometimes people even refer to it as the kissing disease, this condition affects mostly children and teenagers. Mono is fairly contagious, but not as contagious as ...

# Health

Diverticulosis Affects The Digestive Tract of the Body

thumbnail of Diverticulosis Affects The Digestive Tract of the Body Diverticulosis is where diverticula or pockets form throughout the walls of the digestive tract. These diverticula will push through the outer lining due to the walls being weak. Natural pressure will make the walls bulge and cause pockets. Typically, the lower part of the l ...

# Health

VOIP & Business Phone Systems

thumbnail of VOIP & Business Phone Systems If you are looking to improve your business communications you will want to consider your needs. There are many communication choices available that are easy to scale and affordable. You should look for a telecommunication solution that will allow you to collaborate with oth ...

# Internet & Telecom

Hepatitis C Information

thumbnail of Hepatitis C Information Hepatitis C is a viral infection that affects the liver. Over three million people in the United States have it, though many of them don’t know it because the disease does not have many symptoms.Hepatitis C has several different forms, the most common of which is type 1. All ...

# Health