People love their dogs. The friendship available from a dog is fantastic. However sometimes people aren’t able to take their dog with them when they travel. It’s unfortunate because a lot of dogs travel well, but many hotels won’t allow them to stay over.The good news is that hotels seem to be moder ...
Alopecia is a condition, known more commonly as baldness or hair loss, that involves loss of hair from either a portion of the head and possibly extending to even more of the subject's body. The severity of this condition can range from a tiny little spot to the entirety ...
# HealthHormone therapy is a special type of treatment that is essential in treating diseases through synthetic forms of hormones. The most common type of hormonal therapy involves hormones administered to a patient to stop the short-term adverse changes that come with menopause in ...
# HealthStatistics show that female breast cancer is the most common cancer in the United States with a rate of 126.8 cases per 100,000 population in 2018. That’s more than twice the rate of the next highest incidence of lung cancer that was 49 per 100,000. The rate of deaths from breast cancer was the seco ...
Contact lenses can allow you to see clearly without having to wear glasses. There are many different types of contact lenses including prescription contact lenses, dailies contact lenses, re-usable lenses, cosmetic lenses and colored lenses. Contact lenses can be worn to cor ...
# HealthSometimes it seems like we’re always trying to save energy. Well it’s true! Energy consumption is a serious problem in our world. As we switch to electric cars, it’s going to become an even more serious issue as our production will need to accommodate this new drain. Our hom ...
# FinanceIrritable bowel syndrome can be a painful and bothersome condition that causes abdominal discomfort, bloating and constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition that affects the large intestine (colon). It can greatly affect a person’s quality of life during flare-ups resulting in anxi ...
Audiobooks have been around for longer than most people think. A decade or two ago, they were available on cassettes and CDs. Today, audiobooks are more accessible than ever. Listening to your favorite books is as simple as purchasing an audiobook online and downloading it t ...
# Hobbies & LeisureIt can be extremely challenging to lose weight and maintain weight loss. There are many gimmicks and supposed tricks that promise weight loss, but make sure to do your research before purchasing any of these products. The most effective ways to lose weight and keep it off in ...
# Health