Facts About Diabetes

thumbnail of Facts About Diabetes Diabetes is a health condition that involves a peptide hormone protein. This protein allows your cells to use the sugar, or glucose, you ingest through your diet. Cells require glucose as fuel. It is the body’s main source of energy. When someone has diabetes, it means that ...

# Health

The Benefits and Risks of LASIK Explained

thumbnail of The Benefits and Risks of LASIK Explained There are many people who wish to finally stop wearing glasses. Wearing glasses allows for proper vision, but can be a very difficult and frustrating aspect to life. If you lose your glasses, you will need to go without proper vision until they are replaced. If you wish to b ...

# Health

Choosing The Best Tires

thumbnail of Choosing The Best Tires Does your car not seem to handle the road the way it once did? Do you get nervous for driving at the very thought of snow? Does your car slip and slide when it rains?  If you answered yes to any of these questions you may need to consider your vehicle’s tires. The right set ...

# Vehicles

Video Games

thumbnail of Video Games DreamcastDreamcast is a home video game console that was released in 1999 by Sega. It was the very first home console in what is now known as the “sixth generation,” preceding other popular consoles, like Xbox and Playstation. Dreamcast received positive reviews from critics ...

# Hobbies & Leisure

Air Conditioners

thumbnail of Air Conditioners When the weather starts to heat up, most people turn their thoughts to staying cool. If you don’t have central air conditioning, room air conditioners are still an energy-efficient, low-cost alternative to cool the rooms in your house that you spend the most time in.With mor ...

# Home & Garden

Mesothelioma Information & Causes

thumbnail of Mesothelioma Information & Causes Asbestos is a type of fibrous material that was typically used in buildings constructed between 1950 and 1990. During this period it was commonly used for its properties—asbestos is a fire-resistant insulator that is resistant to chemical erosion. It was often mixed with oth ...

# Health