
Pain Coming From the Jaw Joint Might Be a Sign of TMJ Disorders

thumbnail of Pain Coming From the Jaw Joint Might Be a Sign of TMJ Disorders The temporomandibular joints, or "TMJ" for short, are a pair of joints that connect the jawbone to the skull. They are rather unique in human anatomy in that they are bilateral yet function as a single unit; the nature of their function makes it rather problematic if one sid ...

# Health

Seeing a Doctor Quickly is Important if You Suspect Osteoporosis

thumbnail of Seeing a Doctor Quickly is Important if You Suspect Osteoporosis (welks) It's not something most people like to think about, but the fact is that osteoporosis can happen to anyone irrespective of gender. Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that affects both men and women. It occurs when bones lose too much of their density and porosity, bec ...

# Health

Sudden Intense Itching Might Mean Scabies

thumbnail of Sudden Intense Itching Might Mean Scabies Have you ever experienced a sudden itch that never seems to stop? Most people can relate to an intense desire to scratch. But when the itching gets so intense you cannot sleep, seek help immediately since it might be Scabies.So, what is Scabies? It’s a parasitic infestation ...

# Health

Diabetic Neuropathy is a Type of Nerve Damage

thumbnail of Diabetic Neuropathy is a Type of Nerve Damage Neuropathy is damage to the nerves; it can occur in people who have diabetes. Then it is called diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes is a condition involving high levels in the body of blood sugar, or glucose. These high levels may injure nerves anywhere in the body, but most frequ ...

# Health