Search results for: charitable organizations
Use Charity Navigator's ratings and resources to find and support highly rated charities that align with your passions and values. Whether you're looking to give toward international relief, the environment, animal welfare, or something else, we empower you to donate and volunteer with confidence.
Find out which charities received the most private donations in the U.S. in 2024, based on Forbes' analysis of IRS data. Compare the rankings, categories, revenues, efficiencies and missions of the top 100 charities.
To get started, simply visit a cause area below and find a number of highly effective charities to support. If you are a U.S.-registered 501(c)(3) charity with a three- or four-star Charity Navigator rating and are responding to this disaster/crisis, please complete and submit this survey, and our curation team will review.
Forbes ranks America's largest charity and non profit organizations based on their revenue, fundraising efficiency, and charitable commitment. See the list, filter by categories, and learn about the impact of Covid-19 on giving.
Give Thoughtfully. CharityWatch, founded in 1992 as the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP), is America's most independent, assertive charity watchdog.CharityWatch does not merely repeat what a charity reports using simplistic or automated formulas. We dive deep to let you know how efficiently a charity will use your donation to fund the programs you want to support.
GreatNonprofits is a platform that connects donors, volunteers and funders with over 1.8 million nonprofits and charities. You can search by city, cause, rating, or name, and read reviews, articles and tips from the community.
Find and check a charity using Candid's GuideStar. Look up 501(c)(3) status, search 990s, create nonprofit organizations lists, and verify nonprofit information.
America’s Charities is an alliance of nearly 100 of America's best charities who address a wide range of causes including education, environmental protection, human and civil rights, hunger, poverty, research and health services, animal welfare, veteran assistance, and disaster relief.
A collection of links to State government web sites with useful information for exempt organizations. Web-based training for charity leadership and volunteers. Learn more about the benefits, limitations and expectations of tax-exempt organizations by attending 10 interactive courses at the online Small to Mid-Size Tax Exempt Organization Workshop.
This Week on The Heart of Giving Podcast: Mark Falzone, President and CEO of Scenic America, discusses how his organization is working to preserve and enhance the visual character of our nation. ... BBB Wise Giving Alliance strengthens public confidence in charities by promoting wise giving and trustworthy charity practices. Charities are ...